The City of Maumee offers you an opportunity to make a commitment to the future for you and your community. We are committed to provide quality professional service to all persons.
As position vacancies become available, they are posted on bulletin boards located in the Municipal Buildings, advertised in the local newspaper and posted below.
One can also apply in person at the Human Resources Office on the second floor of the Municipal Building located at 400 Conant Street. Applications are kept on file for at least 6 months and are reviewed, as positions become available.
The City offers competitive salaries with an excellent benefit package, which includes, medical coverage, OPERS or OP&F (pension fund), life insurance, personal leave, sick leave, vacation leave, and deferred compensation. For more information, contact the Human Resources Department at 419-897-7171 or hr@maumee.org.
The City of Maumee is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmation Action Employer