City Council Meeting

City of Maumee Council Chambers 400 Conant Street, Maumee, OH, United States

City Council Meeting

City of Maumee Council Chambers 400 Conant Street, Maumee, OH, United States

City Council Meeting

City of Maumee Council Chambers 400 Conant Street, Maumee, OH, United States


City Council Meeting

City of Maumee Council Chambers 400 Conant Street, Maumee, OH, United States

Special Council Meeting

City of Maumee Council Chambers 400 Conant Street, Maumee, OH, United States

CITY COUNCIL December 23, 2023 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Saturday, December 23, 2023 at 11 a.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION-pending or imminent court action 6. ADJOURNMENT

City Council Meeting

City of Maumee Council Chambers 400 Conant Street, Maumee, OH, United States

City Council Meeting

City of Maumee Council Chambers 400 Conant Street, Maumee, OH, United States

Municipal Planning Commission Public Hearing

City of Maumee Council Chambers 400 Conant Street, Maumee, OH, United States

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE City of Maumee Municipal Planning Commission PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE MAUMEE ZONING CODE The Maumee Municipal Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, at 7:00 pm in accordance with Section 1105.08 of the Maumee Codified Ordinance to consider the following applications: •To amend or change the zoning […]

Special Council Meeting

City of Maumee Council Chambers 400 Conant Street, Maumee, OH, United States

City Council Meeting

City of Maumee Council Chambers 400 Conant Street, Maumee, OH, United States

Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting

City of Maumee Council Chambers 400 Conant Street, Maumee, OH, United States

 The Maumee Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 5:15 pm in accordance with Section 1105.09 of the Maumee Codified Ordinance to consider the following applications:  An application from Chase Sign & Lighting on behalf of Fifth Third Bank requesting a variance to allow for additional signs […]

City Council Meeting

City of Maumee Council Chambers 400 Conant Street, Maumee, OH, United States