In accordance with Section 915.02 of the Maumee Municipal Code any person or entity owning, occupying, or having charge of land within the City shall keep the grass thereon cut to a height not in excess of eight inches and shall keep the same free and clear from all noxious weeds, invasive plants, and rank vegetation as set forth in section 915.01 and shall cut or cause to be cut all such weeds and vegetation on the lots owned or controlled by him as required to prevent such rank growth and/or the maturing or spreading of seeds or pollen therefrom.
Any person or entity owning, occupying or having charge of land abutting upon a public right of way shall keep the grass on the unpaved portions of the right of way abutting the land cut to a height not in excess of eight inches and shall keep the same free and clear from all noxious weeds and rank vegetation as required to prevent such rank growth and/or the maturing or spreading of seeds or pollen therefrom. For the purpose of this section, the owner, occupant or other person or entity having charge of land abutting a public right of way shall be deemed to have charge of that half of the right of way on the side of his or her land.
In accordance with Sections 915.03 and 915.04 of the Maumee Municipal Code should the owner, occupant or person having charge of any land as set forth in this chapter fail to comply with this chapter, the Director of Public Service or City Administrator, in addition to any other penalty set forth herein, shall summarily abate said nuisance and cause such grass, weeds, and/or vegetation to be cut and/or destroyed and all cost or expense thereof shall be assessed against such lands and certified to the Lucas County Auditor for collection, or to be collected in such other manner as the City Administrator deems appropriate. The expense so to be assessed shall include the cost of removing, mowing, spraying, any administrative costs, the cost, and expense of calculating, levying, and collecting such assessments, attorney fees, and all other necessary expenses.
By order of the Council of the City of Maumee.