The City of Maumee is working to correct errors that were discovered during an audit of refuse collection and recycling services.
The audit, which began in August of 2022, identified several discrepancies in pick-up services provided through Republic Services.
For example, the City of Maumee was paying multiple charges for a single address.
More significantly however the audit found that the City has been paying pickup service fees for several apartment buildings, condominium properties, rental properties, and mobile home parks, which are not eligible to receive City pickup services because they are considered “commercial properties.”
The properties identified as ineligible to receive pickup services thus far have been advised to set up a commercial account through Republic Services.
The City of Maumee will continue to work closely with Republic Services to assist in the correction efforts.
The City of Maumee is currently engaged in a 10-year contract with Lucas County Solid Waste Management for refuse/recycling services provided by Republic Services. The contract was initiated in 2016 and will expire in 2026.
In 2016 the City purchased two toters for every household, with pickup taking place weekly.
An audit of the pickup service should have been conducted annually to ensure the service was being properly administered; however, the first audit did not happen until 2022.
The first phase of the audit took over one year to complete and included verifying every address both on paper and through a physical inspection.
The audit remains ongoing, and more properties will likely be identified as ineligible to receive City pickup service. While the City understands that this situation may cause an inconvenience to some, it is our sincere belief that correcting the error is proper for the citizens of Maumee.
To download a pdf of the rules and regulations for Solid Waste Refuse, Recycling and Yard Waste Collection visit:
Rules & Regulations for Solid Waste Refuse, Recycling & Yard Waste Collection – City of Maumee
For questions regarding the situation, please contact:
Patrick Burtch, City Administrator: PBurtch@maumee.org
Alan Lehenbauer, City Law Director: alehenbauer@maumee.org