Residential Building Permit Steps
Residential Permit Procedures
The Inspection Department of Maumee enforces and in return is regulated by many different codes. The latest publication from the International Code Council serves as our adopted model code and these codes are updated regularly. Here is our current listing of adopted codes:
• 2019 Residential Code of Ohio
• 2017 Ohio Building Code of Ohio based on the 2015 International Building Code
• 2017 Ohio Plumbing Code of Ohio; 2013 for residential ORC Chapter 25 Amendment
• 2017 Ohio Mechanical Code based on the 2015 International Mechanical Code
• 2014 National Electrical Code for residential; 2017 for Commercial
Copies of these codes are available for review at our office during normal business hours.
Select this link to view the Maumee Codified Ordinances
The City of Maumee also has contracted with the Village of Holland in Lucas County to perform plan review and inspections on new construction, both commercial and residential.
When do I need a Permit?
This is sometimes a difficult question to answer, so we’ve included a partial list of types of work requiring a permit. You should always check with us if you’re unsure.
√ New construction, demolition, extensive repairs or alterations to existing buildings
√ Any electrical, plumbing or heating and cooling work
√ Sidewalks and drive approaches including curb cuts
√ Garage sale, yard sale, estate sales all require a permit (there is no charged permit fee)
√ Sheds, decks, porches, garages, fences, swimming pools, re-roofs, siding, windows and doors (if frame size changes)
Where can I build on my property?
It’s important that a community plan determines neighborhood rules for which setbacks are maintained. This is an essential part of zoning with dividing its community into residential, commercial and industrial areas. Therefore, we need to know what your property is classified as.
How do I determine my property zoning classification?
Link to Lucas County web site AREIS. This powerful real estate program will provide you with all kinds of useful property information including zoning classification. You may also contact Gina Schell at (419) 897-7171 with any questions relating to zoning codes during office hours.
Next, we need to review and apply required setbacks to the proposed design. This information is found in Maumee Codified Ordinances
My project is located in a historical district. Are there additional regulations I must follow?
Our Historical District boundaries are from Ford Street in the west, to Key Street in the east, and from Anthony Wayne Trail in the north, to the Maumee River in the south. Every new and altered structure within this zone must first gain approvals through the Zoning Administrator and/or Design Review Board before permits may be issued.
How do I apply for and gain approvals from the Zoning Administrator and/or Design Review Board?
Aquire an application from the Zoning Office or Download the application here:
Once completed, you will be required to submit a set of elevation drawings, site plan and pictures in advance of the meeting. Your presence is required at the meeting.
What kind of drawings will I need to submit for a Building Permit?
In order to complete our review processes, we will need plans and documents that will convey the design and structural elements to our plan examiner. Three complete sets of construction drawings are required anytime a new structure is applied for. A construction set of drawings should include:
√ Plot Plan – Showing street location, any easement and alleys, the footprint of proposed structure, include all existing structures with the length and width dimensions for the property and the structures
√ Floor Plans – Showing room names and dimensions, direction and size of floor joist, locate any walls, fixtures, windows, doors, post, beams and headers.
√ Elevations – Showing outside appearance of the structure including grade level
√ Sections – Cut through of the structure to show framing members and their connections. All materials used should be call out and sized.
√ Mechanical drawings are not needed although location of equipment and fixtures should be noted on the plans. A Mechanical System Description Form shall be filled out if structure is to be a new home.
√ Structural design sheets to accompany drawings if engineered trusses and beams are used.
√ We require 3-sets of construction drawings for review and we accept digital files with drawings.
After my plans are approved what’s my next step?
√ A Building Permit must be applied for and granted before any work is started. Persons who fail to obtain a permit prior to starting work will be issued a Stop Work Order and fined.
√ Applications for permits and permit fee schedule are available at our counter, or by fax, or a copy may be printed from our website.
√ Homeowners may apply for any or all of the permits, providing the owner is actually performing the work.
√ General Contractors need to register with us. Registration forms and fees are available on our website.
√ Contractors who install electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, refrigeration and fire suppression systems will need to register with us and be licensed with the State of Ohio
√ Once we have reviewed and approved the proposed construction work, we will issue a Permit that identifies to others this work is approved.
√ Two approved sets of drawings will be returned with the permit. This also is to be kept on job site with the remaining one at the Inspection Office.
When do I call for inspections?
√ Inspections are required during each phase of construction to ensure that the work has been completed and will be safe for everyone occupying or using the structure or building.
√ To request a required inspection, the person signing the permit or his/her representative shall call the Inspection Office twenty-four hours in advance.
√ Footing inspections are required to assure that proper depth is maintained and to verify that the soil is capable of supporting the designed load.
√ Foundation inspections are required to ensure that the footer tile is installed next to the footer and that the foundation wall is properly constructed and waterproofed.
√ Rough structural inspections are required to check size, spans and type of lumber used and that nailing meets code requirements.
√ Rough electric, plumbing and heating inspections are required before walls and ceilings are covered to ensure that the installation has been done to the standards of each respective code.
√ Final inspections are required to ensure that all inspections have been made, approved and that all work has been completed properly, including final site grade, sidewalks and drive approaches.
√ The City of Maumee requires that before any new building or addition is occupied all work has been inspected and approved. Certification of Occupancy states that all work has been done in accordance to the code and that the structure safe for human occupancy.