Plan Review & Inspection Process
The plan review time is dependent on all of the documentation and completeness of the permit application. The application will be reviewed for compliance with all pertinent laws and will be approved or rejected if all laws are not complied with. We review plans in the order they are received. A deposit is required when an application is submitted.
Within 30 working days after plans and/or specifications are submitted and accepted for a building permit, the Building Division shall notify the applicant that the permit is ready for issuance or that additional information is required.
Not more than 180 calendar days after the date of such application was submitted, where such additional information has not been submitted or the permit has not been purchased, the application and/or permit shall become null and void. Deposits are not transferrable or refundable.
Where an application and/or permit has become null and void an applicant may again apply, and such application shall be processed as though there had been no previous application.
The permit and all approved permitted documents must be available on the property where it can be accessible for the inspector for examination.
Required inspections have to be made in order and prior to concealment. Any concealed work that required an inspection will have to be totally removed. If you are unsure if an inspection is required please contact the inspector and he will advise you. All permits require a final inspection when the work is completed.
Inspections for windows, doors, additions, alterations, etc. that require an inspector to enter the premises requires an adult to be present to allow entry, or the inspection will be denied.
Inspectors cannot make appointments; however, if you contact the inspector prior to 8:30 AM on the date of the requested inspection, he will give you a window of time that he will be at that location.
When a violation of the building code or the approved plan is not followed, a violation notice will be issued citing the code provisions. This is a notice that your contractor has a correction to make and schedule another inspection prior to proceeding with the work.
In some cases, a plan revision may be required; in this case the revision must be submitted and approved prior to rescheduling the inspection that failed prior to proceeding with the work.
When a re-inspection fee is charged, THIS IS NOT A FINE. The fee covers the cost of added inspections not contemplated in the original permit fee that is based upon a limited number of inspections.
Inspections cannot be scheduled until the re-inspection fee is paid.
When in the opinion of the Building Official, projects that are unsafe during construction or when work is started without a permit a STOP WORK ORDER will be issued and the work must be stopped.
It is not the function of the Building Department Inspectors to supervise or provide a punch list for a required inspection as a substitute for the role of the licensed contractor who obtained the permit
To cancel a scheduled inspection call the Building Department between 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.
Note: Approved plans must be posted and available for each inspection requested
A re-inspection fee will be placed with a rejection notice violations of code. The notice will include the reason and applicable code section.
Final inspections will be made upon completion of the work and approval of required documentation.
After all of the required inspections are completed and all required documentation for the permitted work is received a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY or CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION will be issued.
A building or structure SHALL NOT be used for its intended use until the appropriate certificate is issued.