Boards and Commissions

The Maumee City Charter and Code of Ordinances establish various Boards and Commissions.  These various Boards and Commissions rely on volunteer membership from the community.  The City is always looking for interested citizens to participate and fill openings on these important Boards and Commissions.

If you are interested in joining one of the Boards or Commissions, please contact Kasey Van Wormer, Municipal Clerk, at or (419) 897-7115.

The Americans with Disability Act Advisory Commission (ADA), which meets as needed, was established pursuant to Maumee Municipal Code (Section 185.01).  Members are appointed by the Mayor and serve for a 2-year term.  This Commission was established to assist in the self-evaluation of the services, programs, facilities, policies and procedures of the City to ensure non-discrimination on the basis of disability; to make recommendations for corrective measures to provide accessibility of City services, programs and facilities to persons with disabilities; and to make recommendations to the ADA Coordinator concerning complaints filed with the Coordinator alleging discrimination on the basis of disability

MEMBERS                                                    Terms End:  December 31st
Alan Lehenbauer, Law Director                     Indefinite

Candace Gillen                                                        12/31/25
Kathleen Klein                                                        12/31/25
Jessica Pacynski                                                     12/31/26

Heather Dinklage                                                  12/31/26

Ryan Godlewski-Spangler                                    12/31/26

The City of Maumee has a Board of Building Standards and Appeals which meets as needed. Members are appointed by the Mayor and serve a five year term. Current Commission members are:

MEMBER                       TERM EXPIRES
Russ McEwen                  December 31, 2028
Daniel Calverley               December 31, 2028

The board has the following three vacancies: general building contractor, licensed plumbing installer, and licensed electrical installer.

The City of Maumee has a Charter Review Advisory Commission which meets as needed. Members are appointed by the Mayor and serve a five year term. Commission members are:

MEMBER                                            TERM EXPIRES
Allison Fiscus                                     December 31, 2027
Karla Lewis                                         December 31, 2029
Scott Singleton                                  December 31, 2029

Rich Carr                                             December 31, 2029

Gretchen Fayerweather                    December 31, 2029

The members of the Maumee Civil Service Commission are (Term Expires December 31):

  • Dave Tullis (2029)
  • Jean Cook (2025)
  • Justin Olman (2028)

The members are appointed by the Mayor and serve a six (6) year term expiring December 31. Civil Service tests are administered from time to time to fill vacancies such as Equipment Operators and Police Officers.

The City of Maumee has an Uptown Design Review Board which meets the first Wednesday of each month at 400 Conant Street at 9:00 a.m. in Council Chambers.  All requests must be submitted no later than the Wednesday prior to the meeting date.  There is no charge to appear before this Board.  Members are appointed by the Mayor and serve a three year term. Current Board members are:

MEMBER                       TERM EXPIRES

Katherine Stark                 August 31, 2025
Todd Duvall                       August 31, 2027
Andrea Ankenbrandt      August 31, 2025
Steve Bigelow                     August 31, 2027
Allison Fiscus                    August 31, 2027

Members are appointed by the Mayor and serve a two-year term. Current City Board members are:

MEMBER                       TERM EXPIRES
Jamie Naragon         December 31, 2026

Nancy Gagnet.           December 31, 2026

The Monclova/Maumee/Toledo Joint Economic Development Zone (MMT-JEDZ) Board meets the third Thursday of each month at 5:00 p.m.  at the Monclova Township Hall and includes the following members:

MEMBERS                                              TERM (2 Years)

Patrick Burtch                                            Indefinite
Dan Arnold                                                 December 31, 2025
Rich Carr                                                     December 31, 2025

The Maumee Planning Commission meets every fourth Monday evening beginning at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at 400 Conant Street.  Members include:

  • Larry Berres (December 31, 2025)
  • Gary Tipping (December 31, 2025)
  • Joan H. Rife (December 31, 2028)
  • Thomas Yurysta (December 31, 2028)
  • Dan Calverley (December 31, 2030)
  • Jaimie Deye (December 31, 2030)
  • Adam J. Motycka (December 31, 2030)

The City of Maumee has a Records Commission which meets quarterly. Members are appointed by the Mayor and serve a two year term. Current Commission members are:

MEMBER                       TERM EXPIRES

Mary Rabbi.                     December 31, 2026
Mayor                                 Indefinite
Administrator                  Indefinite
Law Director                    Indefinite
Finance Director            Indefinite

The City of Maumee has one representative on the S.A.I.L. Board.  One Council member is appointed by the Mayor and serves a three year term. Current Maumee City Council Board member is:

MEMBER                           TERM EXPIRES

Thomas Wagener, Jr.       December 31, 2026

The City of Maumee has one representative on the TARTA Board with a 3 year term.

MEMBER                           TERM EXPIRES

Lou Thomson      December 31, 2027

The City of Maumee has a Board of Review Division of Taxation that meets as needed. Members are appointed by the Mayor and serve a two-year term. Current Board members are:

MEMBER                                TERM EXPIRES

Dave Atkinson       12/31/2026
Michelle Klement,
Partner William Vaughan Co          12/31/2026
Administrator                       Indefinite

The City of Maumee has a Volunteer Firemen’s Dependents Board which meets as needed. Members serve a one year term. Current Board members are:

MEMBER                                                                TERM EXPIRES

Scott Noonan                                                            December 31, 2025
Phil Leinbach                                                            December 31, 2025

The City of Maumee Zoning Appeals Board meets the second Wednesday of each month at 400 Conant Street at 4:00 p.m. at the Maumee Municipal Building.  All requests must be submitted no later than the Wednesday prior to the meeting.  Members are appointed by the Mayor and serve a five year term. Current Commission members are:

MEMBER                                                  TERM EXPIRES

Adam Motyka                                          December 31, 2025
Ryan Godlewski-Spangler                   December 31, 2028
Barbara Coleman                                   December 31, 2029
William Greisinger                                December 31, 2029
Zach Rader                                              December 31, 2025 (unexpired term)

Gabe Barrow                        Indefinite

Patrick Burtch                     Indefinite

One vacancy on this committee. 

Matt Miles                              Indefinite

Patrick Burtch, alternate

Matt Miles                              Indefinite

Patrick Burtch, alternate

Matt Miles                              Indefinite

Patrick Burtch, alternate

These are three-year terms that expire in staggered years.

NAME                                        TERM EXPIRES

Steve Emerine                    April 30, 2026

Mark Irmen                           April 30, 2025

Robert Schuster                April 30, 2027

William Cox                          April 30, 2026

Jodi Haney                             April 30, 2025

Linda Faye Lucas                       April 30 2027

William Buri                          April 30, 2026

Jaimie Deye.                         Dec 31, 2027

Jason Mendelsohn          April 30, 2026

Margo Puffenberger

Gabe Barrow