The Water Division takes cares of the fire hydrants in the City. The hydrants are vital to the Fire Division to combat fires. While we all hope that there is never a fire in our neighborhoods, please do not do anything that jeopardizes the usefulness of the hydrants. Do not open or play with the hydrants. Do not plant bushes around the hydrants or hide them in any way. When the Fire Division is responding to a fire in your neighborhood, the last thing that anyone wants is for the firemen to not be able to find the hydrants.
During snowfall some hydrants become blocked by snow. We would like to request your help to remove snow from around hydrants so they are visible and accessible. If you have a hydrant in your front yard, please clean a 3’ circle around it.
If you suspect there is a problem with the hydrant near you, please call the Water Division at 419-897-7185.